
Real State

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Workshops for families

We train families on how to arrange the family space for the family wellbeing

Trainings for Agents

We train state agents on the importance of suitable homes for special needs families 

Speaking Events

Natalie shares her journey of Autism from being an Autism sibling, founder of Pieces of Inspiration, legal guardian and all of her experiences in between. She has spoken in a variety of settings such colleges, seminars and Autism events. With her Real Estate License, Natalie is serving the community by helping to develop a positive lifestyle through Real Estate. She will be helping to train Real Estate Agents and develop greater awareness of how individuals can support in the community.

Her Autism journey with her younger sister, Angela, has influenced her purpose to providing educational and supportive resources while delivering an inspirational experience to families, professionals and students.

To request for educational and supportive resources on Autism along with an inspirational speaking experience at your event, email

Servicing Families in Salt Lake City







13894 S Bangerter Pkwy Draper, UT 84020

Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm

Get Started

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